Updates from Lodi Park and Sell

Lodi Park and Sell


Latest From Lodi Park and Sell


We're Open!

The health and well-being of you and your family, our team members, and our community remains our top priority. As we continue to navigate through this complex situation, we want to keep you up to date as the situation evolves.

Lodi Park and Sell remains open for business. We understand the important role we play in the community to provide customers and guests with vehicle buying and selling options and services. In these times, it is important for people to be able to depend on their vehicles. We will continue operating our business responsibly and in accordance with the guidance received from our federal and local governments.

For those guests who wish to have us come to them, Lodi Park and Sell may be able to pick up your vehicle for sale and complete payment online. We are adding additional support to accommodate as many as possible. Please call 209-327-1414 to arrange for this service.

As for sales, for those guests wishing to shop from home, please feel free to utilize our website lodiparkandsell.com to browse, and make arrangements for purchasing vehicles on our lot. Our website is available 24/7 with all of the info needed to shop for a vehicle. Of course, we remain at your disposal for any questions 209-327-1414.

Finally, please know, Lodi Park and Sell is following CDC guidelines and directives to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and anybody visiting our lot.

  • We continue to use medical grade cleaning solutions.
  • We have masks, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes available.
  • Around the lot, we are wiping down surfaces throughout the day – tabletops, door handles, stair rails, chairs, as well as the restroom.
We will continue to monitor developments from local, state, and federal authorities and will adjust as necessary to any new information we receive. To reiterate, our goal is to protect you, our team members, and our community.

We appreciate your continued support of our locally-owned business. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for anything 209-327-1414.

On behalf of the Lodi Park and Sell family,

Todd Kulberg



$195 when sold


$295 when sold


$295 when sold
or call 209-327-1414

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